28 December 2012


The girlfriend said my blog is kinda dead at the moment, but hey! I just updated like yesterday? HAHA! Keep on writing, until I can make it as my habit one day that would be awesome. I still haven't found any book that I like, need to go to the bookstore like tomorrow? Hrmmm! I always got the urge to go chinatown, it's like I want to have chinese foods for every meal. Feeling like a china man, cannot stop hunting chinese foods even though I still cannot find any which is better than Malaysia but still I want chinese food! So I watched hong kong drama for like three days continuously without going out and finally today I went to get some groceries and I finally got a wine glass! Wine session when I'm stress! Sounds hardcore LOL! 

Woke up by pretty strong wind blowing through my window right on my face like everyday, because my bed is just right beside the window. The day goes gloomy, grayish and turn dark very fast. Same goes to my mood, being moody, never feel good for the whole day. I've no idea, seriously no idea that, WHY? Why am I being moody for nothing. I miss home! The place that name home is the best place for me so far. Because staying alone far from home is not fun at all, I just want to go home. Miss the view from my room that I can see paddy field every morning once I woke up, malaysian breakfast and the peaceful town. Missing everything in hometown to the bits! #Ijustwanttogohomeandchill

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