02 September 2013

Back here.

I am officially back to blogging, back to social networking. Living like a free bird for exactly two months in hometown. My mind is refresh now, feeling great. Was suppose to go back for master study in two weeks time, but due to some personal thoughts I did some changes on the plan. I am going back on January probably. Wish to celebrate chinese new year before off to overseas once again, cause it's on end of January, kinda near with the date I'm leaving. Hope uni reopen on early Feb, pray hard. Chinese New Year is one of my favorite celebration among all, that I don't want to miss it every year. So much to catch up with some good old friends and relatives. Very good bonding sessions. Talking about bonding sessions and catch up, I had so much good times with all my friends since I'm home. That endless topics and good times having together, meant it all, my life. 

Back in home two months, leaving design two months, exactly. I've been resting, awesome holiday. So much promises and plans haven't been done, for myself. To-do-list that I made, not even a tick on the bracket, epic fail at the moment. Was thinking, once I'm alone, about future and money. That realistic topic always in my mind, that no one to share with. Too much negatives comments from outsiders freak me out. I just want to own something, I'll be enough. Building a strong base would be the best I can do right now. Starting up with tumblr, own webpage, portfolio what else? We will see, daddy you will see. 

I've been hitting the gym since three weeks ago? Something I wanted to do since I was in London, and finally I'm doing it now. Serious in need with a very balance and healthy lifestyle. Having abs, slim legs and hands is simply awesome! :D Long way, still long way. Going on a swimming class this month, another sports I wanted to do since years ago. This holiday finally allow me to do all these, perfecto! Dad suggested me to go for golf, maybe I should, to occupied all my free time. Hopping to get someone to go with me, I might look stupid playing golf alone in the club house. Golf is always an expensive sport in my mind, doesn't want to mess with uncles. HAHA! 

I've got the same question from somehow every of my friends. What I've been doing here in hometown? What are you doing Mel? I know, I know, you guys were curious about it. Not in everyone's thinking but most of them, think that this hometown we are living in have nothing good to be done. I'm not saying you guys are wrong, just a little different on me. Out there, no place, I can find, to feel this good to live in like now. Relieved, de-stress, wonderful. I build my passions and determinations right here. 

Alright, I'm done talking about all this very personal thoughts and thinking that no one wants to know. It was great back to blogging. By the way, I've got loads of pictures need to be arrange into folders by folders. Updates is on their way. Cheers peoples. 

Lots of love, 
Melissa Tan 

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