12 May 2013

We end here.

Hi guys, a little updates I would like to talk about. Final project presentation was over and got the result right after the day we presented and it turn out pretty good, and some good comment from the tutor as well. That is superb! And another project which is going on at the same time (small project), my artist book, turn out pretty well at the very minute that I almost give up. Spent my last night before deadline printing and binding and do the cut and paste stuff in the library, and it's been a month before camping in the library for final project, I would say, I'm glad and happy that hard work paid off! :D Last class in Middlesex just ended yesterday. Good touch is my scariest lecturer on earth gave good remark! That feels so good! Well, waiting for my exhibition right now. At the moment to do some final touch up on works I would like to exhibit later on. And here we go, end of degree life. End of this chapter and we should move on, to another chapter. At the same time, I have to start applying uni and searching for new place to stay, tickets back to hometown, some trips for summer break and last quick shopping before go home. I miss home and parents. I would love to spend this summer break well and wisely. I don't want to be pack, I need a break. 

As I said, I really wish to make my final project to production, to mine. This coming summer break would be good for me to re-think a little bit about the idea and touch up hopefully, need an artblog in tumblr for posting my art personally and research for my book (personally). Gah, so much to do for building this pathway, for my own sake, I should. 

And since it is holiday right now, time to enjoy! And short trip before go home. 

Lots of love,
Melissa Tan 

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