08 March 2013

Just write.

Hellow my lovely readers! I'm so in the mood to write right now although I've no idea what to write. I just feels like typing whatever I feels like right now. Somehow I wonder did any of my friends read my blog, or I'm the one writing and reading on it all this while. Well, this is the place I can spread my true feelings, angers, frustrations, like everything right here. And so maybe someday when I review back, memories are all here. GREAT! My blog can remind me how stupid I was last time, how dump I deal with stuff and whatever shameful thingy I did since I was in secondary school. God, it feels like my blog means a lot now! I personally think is a good thing thou, like something that accompany me all along. And I actually improve my writing here, because yaaa designer, don't really write all the time. Other than some creative writing on my design, nothing else.

Hrmmm, what to write man? This post is making me like a dumb person typing here. GAHHHHHH! 
>< Well, life is good lately. I ate a lot of salmon and sushi and korean cuisine. My all time favourite! :D I struggled a lot on my assignments and dissertation at the same time. I was freak out and afraid that I did not do well on my uni stuff. Stress the hell outta me! God damn it! And so I pampered myself whenever I have chance to, went shopping all the time. Grab whatever I want, like I own a printing money machine at home. WTF! Money gone real fast! Sad case, duhhh whatever. Forget about it! I kinda crossing my own limit lately. SHIT! All blame to myself, went back to Malaysia for chinese new year, had so much fun and totally forgot that I'm still a student, skipped two week class and still feels nothing until I'm back to uni and the scariest lecturer on earth of mine give me his that-kinda-making-me-feels-guilty face, stressful goddamnit! This is so not fun when you have to face it after your enjoyable holiday! I deserve all these, I knew, I knew it! Serve me right, Mr Andy Gossett! And so, I work on my assignments, I take everything seriously, until everything is back on track right now. I feels better. Guiltiness, I leave you behind bitches! :D HAHA! But, still, a lot more to go, until my exhibition! I swear to myself I have to put like one hundred percent of hardwork into my final project, trust me! It's a goddamnit hundred percent from me alright, no kidding mannnnnn! Hopefully, I don't hope any "unfortunately" thing happen on me, I just want to graduate my degree! PLEASE! thankyouverymuch :D 

When talk about graduate, what next? What? Am I going to feel like I'm lost in a maze once again like what happen after I leave Raffles? Hell no! Can't you just go with your plan gurllllll! BRING IT ON! 
Seriously, I don't feel like leaving London. I'm in love with the city and my life here. Are you feeling surprise when I said I'm in love in London? YEAPPPPPP! I knew, I complaint quite a lot at first when I came here. Things change right now, I used to my life over here and I'm doing good. I don't want to go backkkk :'(  What about still study here? Hrmmm! This sounds like a very good idea. LALALA! I need to figure things out. 

Used to my life here. Used to be alone. Used to enjoy life all alone. I'm a loner now. Duhhhh! Maybe no one likes me, whatever! Who cares man, life meant to be enjoy, don't you agree with me? YA RIGHT! So, the dead tree that I used to look at it every morning when I slide off my curtain is finally growing flowers! It means winter is going off and we are welcoming SPRING! YAYYYY! I need more spring clothes! 

What else to write about? Ohhh, I'm a March babe and I'm turning 21 years old real soon. I feel old. HEY! NO! I don't want to grow old :( Everyone kinda have big celebration on their 21 and me? I'm gonna pass my birthday alone, with no celebrations. SAD CASE! Cry under my blanket. Duhhhh just saying, I don't mind about birthday thou. All I need is go shopping and feel good HAHA! Realistic bitch I am, thank you :) 

So, I kinda have a few annoying friends that annoyed the hell outta me lately. Hey people, I'm good that you can imagine alright, so no worries and mind your own business, thanksssssss!

Ohhh, last but not least, I need to write something about the "MR" that kinda came into my life months ago. Well, it's not he came into, I brought him into. So, it's my fault bringing trouble to my own. Glad to say, I had give you out. Isn't a hard thing when you decide to give up and you did it! Well, we are still good friends anyway because he knew nothing about how I feel before this. End of the story and be good! 

What else to say? God, I have class tomorrow, it's assessment week. I hope my lecturer don't kill me with his expressions when he see me presenting in front. I just want to pass up my work and ciaoz. Andy I hope I don't meet you anymore, kaythxbye. Never ending shopping list, I need to go buy them. Places to visit is in a list in my planner already. So much to do and time wait for no man! We just need to do it! No worries, everything is gonna be alright. Need to go to bed right now, good night peoples and have a great day :) 

So, if you wonder what I'm writing here, bear with it, I just feels like typing tonight. BYE!

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