29 March 2013

Current feeling.

Lately, I don't talk. Whole loads of thoughts and feelings I got with me, sadly I don't know how to express them in words. Not even a word. You know, I always got topic-less when we were in a chit-chatting session. I don't know what to say, cannot think any single topic to talk about it. This is like so not me, not me! The moment I listened to chinese song, drinking and thinking, don't get me wrong I'm not sad or emotional. I feels neutral, all the time. The urge, energy, excitement that I always own, is gone. What the hell is in my mind? whatthefuck, seriously, man. 

This degree is ending in three months time from now on, officially a bachelor student after that. What's next? I got this in my mind all the time, once I'm away from class and assignments, this question just can't get out from my mind, cant! And so, what I want to do? WHAT I WANT TO DO? Where is all the plans that I always wanted to do so much. Don't feel like going back, not even purchase any flight ticket right at the moment. Parents asking for times. I cannot answer. 

Be right back. Off to Paris. Bon Jour! 

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